مدرس chemistry خصوصي High School to Collage في Egypt | استاذ Mennatullah Ghaleb تدريس Chemistry/Science

مدرس خصوصي chemistry للمرحلة High School to Collage في | Egypt
استاذة Mennatullah Ghaleb
تدريس تخصصات Chemistry/Science


المؤهلات العلمية: Bachelor's of Science and Education ,Department of Chemistry
Master's Researcher ,Faculty of Postgraduate Studies for Nanotechnology ,Department of Nanoengineering ,Cairo University

البلد: Egypt

طريقة التدريس: اونلاين

التخصص: chemistry

المواد الدراسية: Chemistry/Science

المراحل الدراسية: High School to Collage

التقييم العام 5/5

تاريخ التسجيل في المنصة: 2025-01-26 11:32:25

النوع: انثى

للتواصل مع الاستاذ Mennatullah Ghaleb

اضغط على الزر التالي لإظهار رقم التواصل
تم عرض رقم المدرس 6 مرة

للتواصل مع الاستاذ/الاستاذة عبر واتساب مباشرة اضغط على الزر التالي

التواصل الان يتم عن طريق المنصة للتواصل مع المدرس اضغط على الرابط التالي تواصل الان

تم الضغط على زر تواصل واتساب 0 مرة

Ms. Mennatullah ???? Passionate Chemistry Educator | 5+ Years of Experience ???? | Expert in International & Local Curricula ???? | Cairo University Nanoengineering Researcher ????????

Hello! I am Ms. Menna Allah from Egypt. Since childhood, I have harbored a profound passion for science, particularly chemistry, which I view as an integral part of our daily lives. Every experience we encounter through our senses is influenced by chemical reactions that significantly impact our existence.

Upon completing my bachelor's degree, I pursued further studies in the field of nanoscience to enhance my understanding of this dynamic discipline. My primary focus lies in applying this knowledge to renewable energy solutions, such as green hydrogen and energy storage systems, including supercapacitors.

I possess extensive experience in teaching various curricula, including American, Saudi, Emirati, Palestinian, and Egyptian systems. I have had the privilege of educating hundreds of students in both international and local schools, spanning from middle and high school levels to bachelor's degree programs.

As a chemistry teacher, I focus on using modern teaching methods that enhance the role of the student as an active element in the educational process. Since chemistry is a logical scientific branch, I use induction and deduction methods, in addition to brainstorming, and I make sure to include dialogue and discussion during lessons.

As a researcher in nanoscience, I seek to develop students' creative and critical analysis skills, which helps them form their own opinions and ideas. I believe in the slogan of Egyptian scientists: "Because every mind makes a difference."

I also work to motivate students internally by stimulating the spirit of competition through educational competitions, games, oral and written tests, as well as practical experiments. I cannot ignore the fun side of chemistry, which is practical experiments. I make sure to apply these experiments as a researcher, whether through live explanation online or by preparing explanatory videos, whether produced by me or from reliable sources such as YouTube.

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عن المنصة

منصة استاذ هي منصة رقمية تتيح لكم البحث عن مدرس خصوصي في جميع المواد والمقررات الدراسية و لكل المراحل التعليمية المختلفة
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